The North Star Way

Be with Jesus

Become Like Jesus

Do What Jesus Does

At North Star our goal is to organize our lives, and our lives together, in a way that help us to be disciples (students, practitioners, apprentices, followers) of Jesus. With three intentions - Being with Jesus. Becoming like Jesus. Doing What Jesus does.

Our plan for discipleship is not a check list or to-do list. It is a way of living that gathers, prays and loves that we call the North Star Way.

It is a way of life marked by the characteristics of intentionality, humility, vulnerability, authenticity and integrity. It is all about connecting to God and others in the ordinary everyday moments of life as we do life together. It is about living a way of life together that helps us grow to be more like Jesus. The gauge of growth is our love for God and people.

It is a way of life designed to help you in your journey toward developing the following habits which enable us to encounter God and grow in relationship with Christ:

·        Spirit Empowered Prayer

·        Life-Changing Worship

·        Life Application of the Bible

·        Risk-Taking Missions & Service

·        Christ-Infused Friendships

·        Courageous & Contagious Faith Sharing

These habits are developed as we are intentional about being with Jesus through the practices of silence and solitude, Sabbath, prayer, fasting, scripture meditation, generosity, and living in community. These habits and practices are the means to the end of being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus does.


Doing Life Together

Church is not something we attend; it is who we are as we do life together in relationship with God and one another. Gathering, praying and loving in real and tangible ways.

Connecting – to God and others

Nurturing – our relationship with God and others.

Supporting – encouraging and inspiring one another.

Celebrating – enjoying life and each other, worship as a lifestyle, having fun together.