Welcome to North Star

Thank you for visiting our website. Maybe you stumbled across our page or you are looking to find out about who we are and what we’re all about at North Star Church. We hope that the information and the things that you see help you to get a feel for who we are as a church. We hope that through this website we are able to express digitally our desire to be real about our love for God and our love for one another. We hope to convey that we are a church that is all-inclusive and non-judgmental. We want to be about healing our world and the hurts that we all experience and not be a source of hurt and pain.

Please take some time and explore the pages of this site. If you have further questions feel free to reach out and contact us - we would love the conversation!

We also know that words and pictures cannot fully capture the heart and the people of North Star. We invite you to join us for worship or other gatherings and give us a chance to be your church.