We are glad you are here!

Come-as-you-are. You Belong Here. We are here to help you take the Next Step.

Following Jesus is not about religion it is about relationship. God desires a relationship with you. He is not mad at you, He loves you. The invitation of Jesus is for you to be with Him. Receive Him. Receive His love, forgiveness and grace. Live in relationship with Him. Love Him and love people. The journey begins by saying “yes” to this relationship with Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is nurtured and sustained though living in, and living out, our relationship with Jesus in community with others. Because it is relational, we can’t do this alone. Doing life together, we help each other take the next step in our relationship with Jesus.



Baptism is the starting point. It is an outward expression of our saying “yes” to our relationship with Jesus. It is a public profession of our faith in Jesus and a commitment to follow Him.


We are not meant to do life alone. We need Christ-infused friends to do life with. Life change happens best in a community where we can connect deeply with others.


Commitment is the mark of meaningful relationships. Church membership is about committing to go “all in” with the people of North Star. In membership we commit to one another to pray, be present, give generously, to serve and to invite others to do life with Jesus.

Discover your Gifts

God created you on purpose for a purpose. Each of us is equipped by God for service in the church and in the world. Using our gifts helps us to grow in our relationship with Jesus. It begins with the step of discovering our Spiritual Gifts.


Change the World

Take the next step in living in, and living out, your relationship with Jesus by loving your neighbor in real and tangible ways. Sign up to serve in the church, in our community and in the world. Together, with the love of Jesus, we can change the world!