
What is Baby Grace?

North Star Baby Grace is one of several Baby Grace ministries in the Greater Kansas City Area and a spiritual outreach of North Star Church. Our mission is to share God’s love and grace by offering material, emotional and spiritual support and development for families with young children.

Where are Open Houses located?

North Star United Methodist Church
11250 North Eastern Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64156

What does North Star Baby Grace provide?

Quarterly Open Houses: North Star Baby Grace hosts four Open Houses per year. Gently-used children’s clothing (up to size 5), books, strollers, toys, and more are available. We attempt to provide each family with a small package of diapers, however, cannot guarantee diapers will be available. These events also provide time to connect with other young moms and Baby Grace volunteers. Only one adult per family is permitted in to the distribution center. Second-chance shopping will be available after all groups have had their 30 minutes to shop and receive items they need for their children. You are welcome to return to the distribution center to select more items for your children at that time.

Do I need to register for North Star Baby Grace?

No, previous registration is not required. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at Open House.

Are there qualifications I need to meet, or paperwork I need to bring to participate?

No, our intent is to serve families that would realize a financial hardship if they were to purchase items we provide at Open House. We don’t ask for proof of your need.

How will I know when Open House is?

PLEASE NOTE: As of 14-SEP-2021, our original Facebook page is temporarily being house on THIS FACEBOOK PAGE. Please “follow” it, as all pertinent information will be posted here until we can get back to our original Facebook page.

When is North Star Baby Grace open?

Quarterly Open Houses (January, April, July, & October) 8:30am – 11:00am

Can I volunteer with Baby Grace?

  • Open House Set-Up – It takes a small army to prepare for an Open House! Baby Grace members are encouraged to spend the Friday evening before a Saturday Open House helping set up. Our volunteers set up tables, unload inventory, repackage diapers and sort items. When set-up is complete, you will receive an entry ticket that indicates one of the first two groups to be allowed into the distribution center Saturday. The time could be 9:00 am or 9:30 am. Volunteering has perks!

  • Special Events – Baby Grace is always looking for volunteers to help with special events and helping grow the ministry. Please contact us to see how you can help.

I have donations for Baby Grace North Star. When can I drop them off?

If you have donations to drop off you can bring them to any of our open houses or contact us for more information.

What does Baby Grace North Star NOT provide?

  • Emergency Assistance: North Star Baby Grace is not equipped to provide emergency or walk-in assistance. Assistance is provided at scheduled quarterly Open Houses. Our ministry is run by the volunteers of North Star Church who are available each Sunday morning at both 9:00 and 10:30 services. If there is a specific urgent need, please visit at that time.

  • Financial Assistance: North Star Baby Grace is a non-profit ministry and not able to provide financial assistance of any kind.

What are moms saying about North Star Baby Grace?

“I love Baby Grace! My daughter is 2, and I have probably spent $20 total on clothing for her thanks to Baby Grace!”

“I really like it, and the people that are there to help are very nice.”