A Come-As-You-Are Community Church

All Means All.

North Star is an all-inclusive, come-as-you-are church and gathering place for family, support, worship, celebration, and giving back to our community. We are more than Sundays, we learn and grow together daily. We invite others to join us. Our doors are always open to anyone who is looking for a church community and a place to belong.

#GatherPrayLove #NoPerfectPeople #DoingLifeTogether

All Are Welcome.

We will always welcome you and provide a nonjudgmental community where you can experience God and connect to others.

Find out more

 Join us for Worship.


11250 N. Eastern Avenue Kansas City, MO 64156

Early Weekend Service - Thursday 7:00 PM

Sunday Mornings - 9:00 & 10:30 AM

Livestream Sundays at 9:00 AM on Facebook or YouTube.


All Are Loved.

God loves you. The church should too. We believe that the only true gauge of our spiritual growth is our love for God and our love for people. We will always choose love.

Our Mission

We believe that the church exists to make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.

A disciple is an apprentice. The goal and aim of being a disciple/apprentice is being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus does.

We believe that as we spend time with Jesus, following Him and learning from Him, we will grow to love like Him.  Living out our love for God and our love for people in real and tangible ways will change the world around us.


Core Values

Welcoming, Casual and Inclusive to All - Come-as-you-are

Relevant and Relatable

Always Energizing and Evolving - Not bound by tradition

More than Sundays - 24/7 community doing life together

Committed to Christ

All Are Included

Jesus is about inclusion not exclusion. We seek to include all people in all aspects of our worship life and our community. There is no judgement and there are no perfect people. We are a community of grace.

The North Star Way

At North Star we are focused on connecting to God and doing life together. The North Star way is our way of seeking to practice the way of Jesus. It is a way of life that is marked by the characteristics of INTENTIONALITY, HUMILITY, VULNERABILITY, AUTHENTICITY and INTEGRITY. It is not a checklist or a to-do list. It is a way of living that GATHERS, PRAYS and LOVES. It is all about connecting to God and others in the ordinary moments of life and growing to be more like Jesus.


All Belong

North Star is a place for all people. All truly does mean all. Black. White. Gay. Straight. Young. Old. He/Him. She/Her. They/them. Rich. Poor. All belong. All are called, “Children of God.”

You belong here.

Take the Next Step

Life is a journey that we are not meant to go on alone. It’s a journey of many steps. We want to help each other take the next step, whatever that next step is. Maybe it is a step towards Jesus and becoming a follower of Jesus. Maybe it is a step to learn more, discover more. A step towards becoming a member of the church and doing life with the people of North Star. Maybe your next step is discovering how God can use you to change the world around you. Maybe you want to join the mission and join God in changing the world with the radical love of Jesus. When you are ready to take the next step, you are not alone.


Connect to God and Others

Want to become a Christian? Be Baptized? Become a member of North Star? Looking to make some connections? Take the next step in community.

Join the Mission

Want to love in real and tangible ways? Would you like to make a difference in the Northland, our State, and the World? God invites us to live in and live out His Kingdom right here. He invites us to be disciples who change the world.

Give Generously

God so loved the world that He gave His Son Jesus. Jesus so loves us that He gave is life for us. Love gives generously. Love gives time, talents and resources. Generous giving is a real and tangible way that God uses each of us to change the world and it changes us.